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All rights reserved.TiroTypeworks: GNFont: 2001Pigiarniq BoldVersion 1.0; 2001Pigiarniq-BoldPigiarniq is a trademark of The Government of Nunavut & Tiro Typeworks.Wm. Ross MillsPigiarniq Inukitut syllabics is a font containing the maximum repertoire of characters included in Canadian Syllabics, as well as roman characters required to support English, French, and all other languages supported by the Codepage 1252. Additional characters are included to support further orthographies including Greenlandic. Inuktitut Syllabic portions of Fonts distributed under the name 'Pigiarniq' are Copyrighted material of the Government of Nunavut. Latin, or non-Inuktitut syllabic portions of the Fonts are Copyrighted material of Tiro Typeworks. www.tiro.comFONT SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The FONT SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The FONT SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. Subject to the foregoing, Tiro Typeworks grants you a perpetual non-exclusive license to use the Font Software with the following terms and conditions: 1. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS Installation and use of this software constitutes acceptance of the terms of this licence agreement. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE. This document grants you the following rights: Installation and Use. You may install and use the Font Software on as many computers as required provided that you agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions. A Distribution Agreement must be purchased to in any form re-distribute the Font Software. Tiro Typeworks and its Licensed Distributors has the right to terminate your license immediately if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement. Upon termination, you must destroy the original and any and all copies of the Font Software. 2.1 You acknowledge that the Font Software is the intellectual property of Tiro Typeworks and/or its several licensors. The term Font Software shall also include any updates, upgrades, additions, modified versions, and work copies of the Font Software licensed to you by Tiro Typeworks. The media itself is and shall remain the property of Tiro Typeworks. Principal distribution rights are also held by The Government of Nunavut, The Legislative Assembly of Nunavut and any Designated Inuit Organization (DIO). Expanded versions, subsets or other derivatives of this design may also exist under other names and be distributed by Tiro Typeworks or other licensed Distributors. 2.2 Modification. You are not allowed to without written approval granted by Tiro Typeworks: modify, reverse compile or merge or ship the Font Software with other software programs, adapt modules, produce sub-sets or supersets or alter any internal font data thereof for your own developments, or put the software solutions embodied in the Font Software to any commercial use other than operating your own computer or output device. modify and/or recompile the Font Software. PLEASE CONTACT TIRO TYPEWORKS OR A LICENSED DISTRIBUTOR IF THERE ARE SPECIFIC MODIFICATIONS THAT YOU REQUIRE. 2.3 You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if such transfer complies with all of the following conditions: The recipient confirms their consent to all terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement. 2.4 Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font(s) you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau, and only if such service bureau has informed you that it has purchased or has been granted a license to use the respective Font-Software. As this font is distributed under a free license, any service bureau or commercial printer may also obtain a license with no cost associated with acquiring a license to the font(s). Only those parties specifically granted 'Distribution Rights' may distribute and grant licenses to the Font Software. Such Distribution Rights may be obtained by contacting Tiro Typeworks. 2.5 Portable Documents. You may "embed" the Font Software within PostScript-Language files, .PDF files, and .EVY files for distribution, viewing, and imaging to other parties. 3. Disclaimer and Limited Warranty. AS ALLOWED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND TIRO TYPEWORKS AND ASSOCIATIONS OR COMPANIES DISTRIBUTING THE FONT SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. IN ADDITION, TIRO TYPEWORKS AND ASSOCIATIONS OR COMPANIES DISTRIBUTING THE FONT SOFTWARE DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS A RESULT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. 4. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not distribute or disseminate all or any part of the Font Software through any on-line service and you further agree that any such intentional distribution shall constitute a theft by you of a valuable property of Tiro Typeworks and/or its suppliers. 5. Governing Law This agreement is governed by the laws of the Canada. In the event that any provision of this agreement is held to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to have been deleted from this agreement, while the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect. If you have any questions regarding this license agreement, please contact: Tiro Typeworks t: +1 604 728 0052, 2001, Government of Nunavut, Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, Tiro Typeworks. All rights reserved.TiroTypeworks: GNFont: 2001Pigiarniq BoldVersion 1.0; 2001Pigiarniq-BoldPigiarniq is a trademark of The Government of Nunavut & Tiro Typeworks.Wm. Ross MillsPigiarniq Inukitut syllabics is a font containing the maximum repertoire of characters included in Canadian Syllabics, as well as roman characters required to support English, French, and all other languages supported by the Codepage 1252. Additional characters are included to support further orthographies including Greenlandic. Inuktitut Syllabic portions of Fonts distributed under the name 'Pigiarniq' are Copyrighted material of the Government of Nunavut. Latin, or non-Inuktitut syllabic portions of the Fonts are Copyrighted material of Tiro Typeworks. www.tiro.comFONT SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The FONT SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The FONT SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. Subject to the foregoing, Tiro Typeworks grants you a perpetual non-exclusive license to use the Font Software with the following terms and conditions: 1. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS Installation and use of this software constitutes acceptance of the terms of this licence agreement. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE. This document grants you the following rights: " Installation and Use. You may install and use the Font Software on as many computers as required provided that you agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions. A Distribution Agreement must be purchased to in any form re-distribute the Font Software. Tiro Typeworks and its Licensed Distributors has the right to terminate your license immediately if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement. Upon termination, you must destroy the original and any and all copies of the Font Software. 2.1 You acknowledge that the Font Software is the intellectual property of Tiro Typeworks and/or its several licensors. The term Font Software shall also include any updates, upgrades, additions, modified versions, and work copies of the Font Software licensed to you by Tiro Typeworks. The media itself is and shall remain the property of Tiro Typeworks. Principal distribution rights are also held by The Government of Nunavut, The Legislative Assembly of Nunavut and any Designated Inuit Organization (DIO). Expanded versions, subsets or other derivatives of this design may also exist under other names and be distributed by Tiro Typeworks or other licensed Distributors. 2.2 Modification. You are not allowed to without written approval granted by Tiro Typeworks: " modify, reverse compile or merge or ship the Font Software with other software programs, " adapt modules, produce sub-sets or supersets or alter any internal font data thereof for your own developments, or " put the software solutions embodied in the Font Software to any commercial use other than operating your own computer or output device. " modify and/or recompile the Font Software. PLEASE CONTACT TIRO TYPEWORKS OR A LICENSED DISTRIBUTOR IF THERE ARE SPECIFIC MODIFICATIONS THAT YOU REQUIRE. 2.3 You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if such transfer complies with all of the following conditions: " The recipient confirms their consent to all terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement. 2.4 Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font(s) you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau, and only if such service bureau has informed you that it has purchased or has been granted a license to use the respective Font-Software. As this font is distributed under a free license, any service bureau or commercial printer may also obtain a license with no cost associated with acquiring a license to the font(s). Only those parties specifically granted 'Distribution Rights' may distribute and grant licenses to the Font Software. Such Distribution Rights may be obtained by contacting Tiro Typeworks. 2.5 Portable Documents. You may "embed" the Font Software within PostScript-Language files, .PDF files, and .EVY files for distribution, viewing, and imaging to other parties. 3. Disclaimer and Limited Warranty. AS ALLOWED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND TIRO TYPEWORKS AND ASSOCIATIONS OR COMPANIES DISTRIBUTING THE FONT SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. IN ADDITION, TIRO TYPEWORKS AND ASSOCIATIONS OR COMPANIES DISTRIBUTING THE FONT SOFTWARE DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS A RESULT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. 4. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not distribute or disseminate all or any part of the Font Software through any on-line service and you further agree that any such intentional distribution shall constitute a theft by you of a valuable property of Tiro Typeworks and/or its suppliers. 5. Governing Law This agreement is governed by the laws of the Canada. In the event that any provision of this agreement is held to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to have been deleted from this agreement, while the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect. If you have any questions regarding this license agreement, please contact: Tiro Typeworks t: +1 604 728 0052$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]bcdefghjikmlnoqprsutvw xzy{}|  ~   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ C ^`>@_!a "# ?B Affifffflf_jJbarRcaron gdotaccentjbar 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77 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "N" ID 14 UNICODE 78 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "O" ID 15 UNICODE 79 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "P" ID 16 UNICODE 80 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Q" ID 17 UNICODE 81 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "R" ID 18 UNICODE 82 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "S" ID 19 UNICODE 83 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "T" ID 20 UNICODE 84 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "U" ID 21 UNICODE 85 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "V" ID 22 UNICODE 86 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "W" ID 23 UNICODE 87 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "X" ID 24 UNICODE 88 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Y" ID 25 UNICODE 89 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Z" ID 26 UNICODE 90 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "a" ID 27 UNICODE 97 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "b" ID 28 UNICODE 98 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "c" ID 29 UNICODE 99 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "d" ID 30 UNICODE 100 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "e" ID 31 UNICODE 101 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "f" ID 32 UNICODE 102 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "g" ID 33 UNICODE 103 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "h" ID 34 UNICODE 104 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "i" ID 35 UNICODE 105 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "j" ID 36 UNICODE 106 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "k" ID 37 UNICODE 107 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "l" ID 38 UNICODE 108 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "m" ID 39 UNICODE 109 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "n" ID 40 UNICODE 110 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "o" ID 41 UNICODE 111 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "p" ID 42 UNICODE 112 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "q" ID 43 UNICODE 113 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "r" ID 44 UNICODE 114 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "s" ID 45 UNICODE 115 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "t" ID 46 UNICODE 116 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "u" ID 47 UNICODE 117 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "v" ID 48 UNICODE 118 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "w" ID 49 UNICODE 119 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "x" ID 50 UNICODE 120 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "y" ID 51 UNICODE 121 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "z" ID 52 UNICODE 122 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "fi" ID 53 UNICODE 64257 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ffi" ID 54 UNICODE 64259 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ff" ID 55 UNICODE 64256 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "fl" ID 56 UNICODE 64258 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ffl" ID 57 UNICODE 64260 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "f_j" ID 58 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Agrave" ID 59 UNICODE 192 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Aacute" ID 60 UNICODE 193 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Acircumflex" ID 61 UNICODE 194 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Atilde" ID 62 UNICODE 195 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Adieresis" ID 63 UNICODE 196 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Aring" ID 64 UNICODE 197 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "AE" ID 65 UNICODE 198 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ccedilla" ID 66 UNICODE 199 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Eth" ID 67 UNICODE 208 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Egrave" ID 68 UNICODE 200 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Eacute" ID 69 UNICODE 201 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ecircumflex" ID 70 UNICODE 202 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Edieresis" ID 71 UNICODE 203 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Igrave" ID 72 UNICODE 204 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Iacute" ID 73 UNICODE 205 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Icircumflex" ID 74 UNICODE 206 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Idieresis" ID 75 UNICODE 207 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Jbar" ID 76 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Lslash" ID 77 UNICODE 321 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ntilde" ID 78 UNICODE 209 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ograve" ID 79 UNICODE 210 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Oacute" ID 80 UNICODE 211 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ocircumflex" ID 81 UNICODE 212 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Otilde" ID 82 UNICODE 213 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Odieresis" ID 83 UNICODE 214 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Oslash" ID 84 UNICODE 216 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "OE" ID 85 UNICODE 338 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Rcaron" ID 86 UNICODE 344 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Scaron" ID 87 UNICODE 352 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ugrave" ID 88 UNICODE 217 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Uacute" ID 89 UNICODE 218 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ucircumflex" ID 90 UNICODE 219 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Udieresis" ID 91 UNICODE 220 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Ydieresis" ID 92 UNICODE 376 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Yacute" ID 93 UNICODE 221 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Zcaron" ID 94 UNICODE 381 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "agrave" ID 95 UNICODE 224 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "aacute" ID 96 UNICODE 225 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "acircumflex" ID 97 UNICODE 226 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "atilde" ID 98 UNICODE 227 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "adieresis" ID 99 UNICODE 228 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "aring" ID 100 UNICODE 229 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ae" ID 101 UNICODE 230 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ccedilla" ID 102 UNICODE 231 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "egrave" ID 103 UNICODE 232 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "eacute" ID 104 UNICODE 233 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ecircumflex" ID 105 UNICODE 234 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "edieresis" ID 106 UNICODE 235 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "gdotaccent" ID 107 UNICODE 289 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "igrave" ID 108 UNICODE 236 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "iacute" ID 109 UNICODE 237 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "icircumflex" ID 110 UNICODE 238 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "idieresis" ID 111 UNICODE 239 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "jbar" ID 112 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "lslash" ID 113 UNICODE 322 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ntilde" ID 114 UNICODE 241 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ograve" ID 115 UNICODE 242 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "oacute" ID 116 UNICODE 243 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ocircumflex" ID 117 UNICODE 244 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "otilde" ID 118 UNICODE 245 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "odieresis" ID 119 UNICODE 246 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "oslash" ID 120 UNICODE 248 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "oe" ID 121 UNICODE 339 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "kgreenlandic" ID 122 UNICODE 312 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "eth" ID 123 UNICODE 240 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "rcaron" ID 124 UNICODE 345 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "scaron" ID 125 UNICODE 353 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ugrave" ID 126 UNICODE 249 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uacute" ID 127 UNICODE 250 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ucircumflex" ID 128 UNICODE 251 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "udieresis" ID 129 UNICODE 252 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "yacute" ID 130 UNICODE 253 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ydieresis" ID 131 UNICODE 255 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "zcaron" ID 132 UNICODE 382 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "mu" ID 133 UNICODE 956 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dotlessi" ID 134 UNICODE 305 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Thorn" ID 135 UNICODE 222 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "thorn" ID 136 UNICODE 254 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "germandbls" ID 137 UNICODE 223 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1400" ID 138 UNICODE 5120 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1401" ID 139 UNICODE 5121 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1402" ID 140 UNICODE 5122 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1403" ID 141 UNICODE 5123 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1404" ID 142 UNICODE 5124 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1405" ID 143 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UNICODE 5416 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1529" ID 204 UNICODE 5417 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni152A" ID 205 UNICODE 5418 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni152B" ID 206 UNICODE 5419 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni152D" ID 207 UNICODE 5421 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni152E" ID 208 UNICODE 5422 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni153E" ID 209 UNICODE 5438 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1546" ID 210 UNICODE 5446 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1547" ID 211 UNICODE 5447 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1548" ID 212 UNICODE 5448 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1549" ID 213 UNICODE 5449 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni154B" ID 214 UNICODE 5451 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni154C" ID 215 UNICODE 5452 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1550" ID 216 UNICODE 5456 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1555" ID 217 UNICODE 5461 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1556" ID 218 UNICODE 5462 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1557" ID 219 UNICODE 5463 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1558" ID 220 UNICODE 5464 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1559" ID 221 UNICODE 5465 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni155A" ID 222 UNICODE 5466 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni155D" ID 223 UNICODE 5469 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni157F" ID 224 UNICODE 5503 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1580" ID 225 UNICODE 5504 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1581" ID 226 UNICODE 5505 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1582" ID 227 UNICODE 5506 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1583" ID 228 UNICODE 5507 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1584" ID 229 UNICODE 5508 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1585.alt" ID 230 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni158F" ID 231 UNICODE 5519 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1590" ID 232 UNICODE 5520 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1591" ID 233 UNICODE 5521 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1592" ID 234 UNICODE 5522 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1593" ID 235 UNICODE 5523 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1594" ID 236 UNICODE 5524 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1595" ID 237 UNICODE 5525 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1596" ID 238 UNICODE 5526 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A0" ID 239 UNICODE 5536 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A1" ID 240 UNICODE 5537 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A2" ID 241 UNICODE 5538 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A3" ID 242 UNICODE 5539 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A4" ID 243 UNICODE 5540 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A5" ID 244 UNICODE 5541 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A6" ID 245 UNICODE 5542 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1671" ID 246 UNICODE 5745 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1672" ID 247 UNICODE 5746 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1673" ID 248 UNICODE 5747 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1674" ID 249 UNICODE 5748 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1675" ID 250 UNICODE 5749 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1676" ID 251 UNICODE 5750 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1430" ID 252 UNICODE 5168 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni142F" ID 253 UNICODE 5167 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni144C" ID 254 UNICODE 5196 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni144D" ID 255 UNICODE 5197 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni146B" ID 256 UNICODE 5227 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni146C" ID 257 UNICODE 5228 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1489" ID 258 UNICODE 5257 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni148A" ID 259 UNICODE 5258 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14A3" ID 260 UNICODE 5283 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14A4" ID 261 UNICODE 5284 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14C0" ID 262 UNICODE 5312 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14C1" ID 263 UNICODE 5313 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14D3" ID 264 UNICODE 5331 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14D4" ID 265 UNICODE 5332 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14ED" ID 266 UNICODE 5357 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14EE" ID 267 UNICODE 5358 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1526" ID 268 UNICODE 5414 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1527" ID 269 UNICODE 5415 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1542" ID 270 UNICODE 5442 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1545" ID 271 UNICODE 5445 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1553" ID 272 UNICODE 5459 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1554" ID 273 UNICODE 5460 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni166F" ID 274 UNICODE 5743 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni157E" ID 275 UNICODE 5502 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1670" ID 276 UNICODE 5744 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni158E" ID 277 UNICODE 5518 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14FA" ID 278 UNICODE 5370 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14FC" ID 279 UNICODE 5372 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni14FE" ID 280 UNICODE 5374 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1500" ID 281 UNICODE 5376 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1502" ID 282 UNICODE 5378 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A8" ID 283 UNICODE 5544 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15AA" ID 284 UNICODE 5546 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15A9" ID 285 UNICODE 5545 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15AB" ID 286 UNICODE 5547 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15AC" ID 287 UNICODE 5548 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15AD" ID 288 UNICODE 5549 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni15AE" ID 289 UNICODE 5550 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni158B" ID 290 UNICODE 5515 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni158C" ID 291 UNICODE 5516 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni158D" ID 292 UNICODE 5517 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uniE008" ID 293 UNICODE 57352 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1575" ID 294 UNICODE 5493 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1577" ID 295 UNICODE 5495 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1579" ID 296 UNICODE 5497 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni157B" ID 297 UNICODE 5499 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1576" ID 298 UNICODE 5494 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1577.dotaccent" ID 299 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni157A" ID 300 UNICODE 5498 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni166D" ID 301 UNICODE 5741 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uniE002" ID 302 UNICODE 57346 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "percent" ID 303 UNICODE 37 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "perthousand" ID 304 UNICODE 8240 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "numbersign" ID 305 UNICODE 35 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "asterisk" ID 306 UNICODE 42 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni0335" ID 307 UNICODE 821 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dotaccent" ID 308 UNICODE 729 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "grave" ID 309 UNICODE 96 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "acute" ID 310 UNICODE 180 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "cedilla" ID 311 UNICODE 184 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dieresis" ID 312 UNICODE 168 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "tilde" ID 313 UNICODE 732 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "caron" ID 314 UNICODE 711 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "circumflex" ID 315 UNICODE 710 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ring" ID 316 UNICODE 730 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "macron" ID 317 UNICODE 175 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "breve" ID 318 UNICODE 728 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "tildecomb" ID 319 UNICODE 771 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "tildesubnosp" ID 320 UNICODE 816 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dotsubnosp" ID 321 UNICODE 803 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "zerooldstyle" ID 322 UNICODE 63280 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "oneoldstyle" ID 323 UNICODE 63281 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "twooldstyle" ID 324 UNICODE 63282 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "threeoldstyle" ID 325 UNICODE 63283 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "fouroldstyle" ID 326 UNICODE 63284 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "fiveoldstyle" ID 327 UNICODE 63285 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "sixoldstyle" ID 328 UNICODE 63286 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "sevenoldstyle" ID 329 UNICODE 63287 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "eightoldstyle" ID 330 UNICODE 63288 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "nineoldstyle" ID 331 UNICODE 63289 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "zero" ID 332 UNICODE 48 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "one" ID 333 UNICODE 49 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "two" ID 334 UNICODE 50 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "three" ID 335 UNICODE 51 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "four" ID 336 UNICODE 52 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "five" ID 337 UNICODE 53 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "six" ID 338 UNICODE 54 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "seven" ID 339 UNICODE 55 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "eight" ID 340 UNICODE 56 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "nine" ID 341 UNICODE 57 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "parenleft" ID 342 UNICODE 40 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "parenright" ID 343 UNICODE 41 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "braceleft" ID 344 UNICODE 123 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "braceright" ID 345 UNICODE 125 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "bracketleft" ID 346 UNICODE 91 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "bracketright" ID 347 UNICODE 93 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "bar" ID 348 UNICODE 124 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "brokenbar" ID 349 UNICODE 166 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "less" ID 350 UNICODE 60 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "greater" ID 351 UNICODE 62 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "asciitilde" ID 352 UNICODE 126 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "bullet" ID 353 UNICODE 8226 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dollar" ID 354 UNICODE 36 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "Euro" ID 355 UNICODE 8364 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "sterling" ID 356 UNICODE 163 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "yen" ID 357 UNICODE 165 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "florin" ID 358 UNICODE 402 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "cent" ID 359 UNICODE 162 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "currency" ID 360 UNICODE 164 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "section" ID 361 UNICODE 167 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ampersand" ID 362 UNICODE 38 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "exclamdown" ID 363 UNICODE 161 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "exclam" ID 364 UNICODE 33 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "question" ID 365 UNICODE 63 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "questiondown" ID 366 UNICODE 191 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "at" ID 367 UNICODE 64 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotesingle" ID 368 UNICODE 39 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotedbl" ID 369 UNICODE 34 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "hyphen" ID 370 UNICODE 45 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni00AD" ID 371 UNICODE 173 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "slash" ID 372 UNICODE 47 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "backslash" ID 373 UNICODE 92 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "fraction" ID 374 UNICODE 8725 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "comma" ID 375 UNICODE 44 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "period" ID 376 UNICODE 46 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "colon" ID 377 UNICODE 58 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "semicolon" ID 378 UNICODE 59 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "underscore" ID 379 UNICODE 95 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "equal" ID 380 UNICODE 61 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "plus" ID 381 UNICODE 43 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "divide" ID 382 UNICODE 247 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "multiply" ID 383 UNICODE 215 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "logicalnot" ID 384 UNICODE 172 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "asciicircum" ID 385 UNICODE 94 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "paragraph" ID 386 UNICODE 182 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ellipsis" ID 387 UNICODE 8230 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "dagger" ID 388 UNICODE 8224 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "daggerdbl" ID 389 UNICODE 8225 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotesinglbase" ID 390 UNICODE 8218 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotedblbase" ID 391 UNICODE 8222 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "guilsinglleft" ID 392 UNICODE 8249 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "guilsinglright" ID 393 UNICODE 8250 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "guillemotleft" ID 394 UNICODE 171 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "guillemotright" ID 395 UNICODE 187 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotedblleft" ID 396 UNICODE 8220 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quotedblright" ID 397 UNICODE 8221 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quoteleft" ID 398 UNICODE 8216 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "quoteright" ID 399 UNICODE 8217 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "periodcentered" ID 400 UNICODE 183 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "degree" ID 401 UNICODE 176 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "onesuperior" ID 402 UNICODE 185 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "twosuperior" ID 403 UNICODE 178 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "threesuperior" ID 404 UNICODE 179 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "foursuperior" ID 405 UNICODE 8308 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "endash" ID 406 UNICODE 8211 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "emdash" ID 407 UNICODE 8212 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "trademark" ID 408 UNICODE 8482 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "copyright" ID 409 UNICODE 169 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "registered" ID 410 UNICODE 174 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ordfeminine" ID 411 UNICODE 170 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "ordmasculine" ID 412 UNICODE 186 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "plusminus" ID 413 UNICODE 177 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "onehalf" ID 414 UNICODE 189 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "onequarter" ID 415 UNICODE 188 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "threequarters" ID 416 UNICODE 190 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "twothirds" ID 417 UNICODE 8532 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "nbspace" ID 418 UNICODE 160 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni000D" ID 419 UNICODE 13 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "space" ID 420 UNICODE 32 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH ".null" ID 421 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "onefitted" ID 422 UNICODE 63196 END_GLYPH DEF_GLYPH "uni1585" ID 423 UNICODE 5509 END_GLYPH DEF_SCRIPT NAME "latn" TAG "latn" DEF_LANGSYS NAME "Default" TAG "dflt" DEF_FEATURE NAME "liga" TAG "liga" LOOKUP "l004" END_FEATURE DEF_FEATURE NAME "kern" TAG "kern" END_FEATURE END_LANGSYS DEF_LANGSYS NAME "TUR " TAG "TUR " DEF_FEATURE NAME "liga" TAG "liga" LOOKUP "l003" END_FEATURE END_LANGSYS END_SCRIPT DEF_LOOKUP "s002" PROCESS_BASE PROCESS_MARKS ALL DIRECTION LTR IN_CONTEXT END_CONTEXT AS_SUBSTITUTION SUB GLYPH "zero" WITH GLYPH "zerooldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "one" WITH GLYPH "oneoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "two" WITH GLYPH "twooldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "three" WITH GLYPH "threeoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "four" WITH GLYPH "fouroldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "five" WITH GLYPH "fiveoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "six" WITH GLYPH "sixoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "seven" WITH GLYPH "sevenoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "eight" WITH GLYPH "eightoldstyle" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "nine" WITH GLYPH "nineoldstyle" END_SUB END_SUBSTITUTION DEF_LOOKUP "l003" PROCESS_BASE PROCESS_MARKS ALL DIRECTION LTR IN_CONTEXT END_CONTEXT AS_SUBSTITUTION SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "f" GLYPH "i" WITH GLYPH "ffi" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "f" GLYPH "l" WITH GLYPH "ffl" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "f" WITH GLYPH "ff" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "i" WITH GLYPH "fi" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "j" WITH GLYPH "f_j" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "l" WITH GLYPH "fl" END_SUB END_SUBSTITUTION DEF_LOOKUP "l004" PROCESS_BASE PROCESS_MARKS ALL DIRECTION LTR IN_CONTEXT END_CONTEXT AS_SUBSTITUTION SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "f" GLYPH "l" WITH GLYPH "ffl" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "f" WITH GLYPH "ff" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "j" WITH GLYPH "f_j" END_SUB SUB GLYPH "f" GLYPH "l" WITH GLYPH "fl" END_SUB END_SUBSTITUTION GRID_PPEM 20 PRESENTATION_PPEM 72 PPOSITIONING_PPEM 144 CMAP_FORMAT 1 0 0 CMAP_FORMAT 3 1 4 END